Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Bear

Well, yesterday was my birthday and I received several really cute cards from my friends and from the girls at CropStop. Thank you to all who remembered!!!

I decided to share them with all of you. This one is from my friend Lu'Etta. I just love this bear. I think it is from SU, I'll have to ask her.

Today is National Scrapbooking Day so, make sure to do at least one scrapbook page today and save a memory. I plan to do a few tonight and I'll post them to share.

I'm doing a craft show tomorrow at the Boyd E Smith elementary school in Milford, Ohio. If you are in the area stop in and support the school. I'm selling lots of greeting cards, and other crafty things. My friend, Ginny Lee, will have jewelry and crocheted goodies. Hope we sell lots! We both have a wish list of goodies we want to get.

I personally want to get the new Distress-it from Zutter. I did a demo day at the Adventures in Stamping last weekend and after using it I hate that little distress blade thing I'm been using. I seem to always get a bent corner when I do it. With the Distress-it you get a really awesome edge and no bending! You can get one at , tell them Peggy sent you and say HI! to David for me. Oh yeah they are having a Spring Fling weekend you might want to make a trip to see all the cool stuff! Have a great day!!
** Oh yeah if you are number 20,000 to visit my site and leave a comment you are going to get a little blog candy gift from me!! WOW! that many visitors in just one year I'm so excited!!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Little Birdie told Me

It's Thursday already! This week is getting away from me. I wanted to share a card I did a week ago or so using the Just Because Cricut Cartridge. I can't remember which paper stack I got this scrap of paper from, sorry. I really like this cartridge, of course I seem to like them all. LOL I did a video showing how to use the Easy Bow last night and Steve is going to post it tomorrow. It is the neatest little tool that gives you perfect bows every time. I have a busy weekend.. like all of us do. I'll be at the Milford Elementary School doing a craft show with my friend Ginny Lee. Then next week it's back to classes. I'm debating as to whether or not to have classes during the summer, it is such a busy time for everyone. Guess I'll do a poll and see how the ladies feel about it. I love to teach so I'm good to go. Okay have a great day!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Friend Card

Cleaning up the studio last night and made a stack of all those card pieces that never made it to the finish line. I just piled this one together with odds and ends. Well, there you go a quick card made from my stash. Not bad... I embossed the gold piece of card stock with a Cuttlebug folder, Marvey circle punch, odd and end flowers mostly Prima flowers, the stamp is a Rubbernecker. I guess that is it. I'll be doing a video for a stamp company called Lost Coast tomorrow night. Linda, the owner is going to post it on her website, so I'll let you know when we get it uploaded. Check her out at, she has some really cool stamps. You collage girls out there are going to LOVE these. Wait until you see my project, I used the cricut, a canvas, printed paper.... well check back I don't want to give it all away. Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rubbernecker Card

Okay here's one of those cards that just didn't turn out like I had expected. I was playing around with the USArt Quest Mica watercolors and my new Rubbernecker stamps. I love the watercolors and the stamps, this just didn't work for me. I'm still not totally recuperated from the weekend. Hopefully the creative juices will start flowing and the energy level. Have a great day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Home from Adventues in Stamping!

I had a wonderful time at the Akron convention this weekend! I didn't get to shop, because I was working in the booth for Marco's Papers, ( my first time ) and they were sooooo busy, a good thing! I was given the privilege to demo the new Electric Big Shot by Sizzix.. WOW!!!! it is pretty cool and so easy! The folks at Marco's are so wonderful they treat you like family, what a welcome feeling they gave me. Thanks! Marco's!
I ran into a friend Tammy, at the Rubbernecker's booth, she was getting ready to demo this stamp set and I just had to have it. I'll post a card and her blog later today. I have to get unpacked and ready to enter the "real" world. Hope you're having a great day.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Picturesque card small wonder

This is one of the awesome cards on the Picturesque Cricut cartridge and the stamp is from SU. I'm really glad I was able to get this cartridge, it has some really awesome swirls and cut outs on it. Still in Akron having a great time I'm sure.. Hopefully I'll have lots of fun stuff to share when I get home! Have a great day!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just Say HI

I'm in Akron.. but I wanted to try and keep up with the blog. I'm trying something new... trying to post using a future date let's see if I can figure it out.
It should be Saturday morning and this card is the cut-out version of the one yesterday, where I used the gel pens. I used the Sentiments cartridge and the stamp I think it's Impressions Obsessions. Have a great day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cri-kits Card using Sentiments Cartridge

It's Friday and I'm getting ready to leave for Akron and the stamp convention. I'm leaving Steve and Odie on their own for 3 days, along with a "honey-do-list" LOL
I wanted to share a card I'm sending in to Cri-Kits using their gel pens. I used the purple metallic pen and the Sentiments cartridge. This is the same card you can see over at in the video section. Have a great weekend I'm planning to.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cri-Kits Big Craft Show

I have to say it again! I'm one blessed woman!! Here's a photo the owner of , Dane sent me from the show in Masa, Az this past week. Look close the scrapbook page hanging right in front of the Cricut sign is MINE!! Yippee! and my granddaughter Annie is in the pic. Then look close again and there are the 4 cards I sent him. The funny thing is the red ribbon fell off one of the cards and they put it on the scrapbook page LOL Of course, I emailed and let them know, only because they told me they are going to use them at the next show as well and it has to be perfect. I'm working on several projects to send in to the contest they are having, you may want to check it out you could win a Gypsy and become one of their designers, that' s what I praying for. Okay enough of tootin' my own horn I'm just so excited. Can you tell? Have a great day!

Picturesque Cartridge

I did another card using one of the functions on the Picturesque cartridge. The flowers are so cool I love the outline function. I scanned this a little crooked but you get the idea. Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Picturesque Tag

Hi everyone! I'm excited because I was one of the lucky ones to get the Picturesque Cricut cartridge. It has some really neat swirls and the tags wow! Here is a quick one I did last night. Not sure if you can tell but the flower is cut out and I backed it with the pink. Some of the tags are swirly cut outs and then there are the cards. I'll share some of the different ones in the weeks to come. The background is embossed using one of the folders from , (daisies) Won't get much done in the studio tonight, have to pack for Akron, looking forward to seeing some new stuff! I'll take pics and share with you next week. I'm going to ask Steve to keep the blog going Saturday and Sunday let's see how he does. He's my co-teacher in the Cricut classes and the ladies just love him, because he really does know the Cricut! So, if you have any questions while I'm gone just ask Steve! Have a great day!
**OH YEAH! the new video on how to prep your Cricut mat using Stick Away and Stick and Spray has be posted on You-Tube for Cropstop. If you need to see how's I use it jump over there. You should be able to click on the videos here and it will take you there.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

FIt to length Cards Cricut Style Class

Hello ladies, as promised here is the poster I used Saturday to explaing the "FIT TO LENGTH" mode button on the Cricut Expression. Hope this helps! Happy "Critcuting". Remember if you have any questions just email and I will do my best to answer it or at least try to find the answer for you. Have a great day

Worm Hello..

This is one of the cards I saw on Pink Stamper using the Create a Critter cartridge. I was so anxious to try the cartridge I didn't spend any time thinking I just wanted to cut and Robyn has some really cute ideas. I'm really liking this cartridge!! I already have a couple of cards made using it, the Robotz and Nursery Rhymes. Wait till' you see them. Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thanks a bot!

Well, I was at it again and had to use one of my new Cricut cartridges, the new Robotz. I used a TenSeconds Studio Big Daddy embossing plate, a piece of scrap metal, the cuttlebug for the background. I like this cartridge, and it will be great for boys cards and scrapbook pages, the only draw back is there are a lot of pieces to each image. So, if you're in a hurry this might now be a good choice, but as you can see the results are too stinkin' cute!.
Had a great class at SYAO, the Cards Cricut Style. Everyone seemed to have had a great time and learned a lot. They even asked for another class, so we'll see if we can get one scheduled. Cricut 101 is packed full of information and can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, but this group plowed right through it . Thanks to all you ladies for coming to the class it was a pleasure!
Another packed week for us here, Steve and I made another video for , showing how to use the Stick Away and Stick and Spray and we have another in the works showing how to use the Cri-kits gel pens. You have got to check these out! You can get them either at or . There a video and some samples at Cri-kits and the other one will be uploaded at Cropstop later this week. Then on Friday I leave for Akron, to work with at the Adventures in Stamping convention. I'm really looking forward to this, I've never been to this one before. I hope to see some new stuff and get new ideas to share. Well, have a great week.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hello Human Doggie

Here is a card I did using my new ROBOTZ cartridge. I used foil and the cuttlebug folder for the background and this stinkin' cute dog. I imagine this is what my dog Odie would look like if he were a robot LOL I really love all the robotz on this cartridge.. however they do each have a lot of pieces so be prepared for that! Have a great Sunday and make sure to check out , Hallie Jo posted the stick and stay and she now carries the new
Cri-kits gel pens, there will videos on both on the site in a couple of days so be sure to check back.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Flower Pot Pocket Card

First let me say thanks to Stephanie L who did this card over at . I fell in love with this and had to make one right away. She is a SU consultant in my area, but I found her site throught SCS. Isn't this just too stinkin' cute. I used the cuttlebug to emboss the bottom of the pot. I was going to use my new Tim Holtz Sizzix flower die but it just didn't go, so I pulled out the pink Marvey flower punch and it worked great. They I pulled out a punch I've NEVER used, although I have all the leaves in the collection, Marvey embossed leaf punch and made the leaves. Then of course, had to use Martha's punches for the "ruffle" and the butterfly. I forgot to scan the inside, but you pull out the flowers and it's attached to the flowers with your sentiment on it. You can get all the directions at SCS. Why not give it a try and email it to me so I can see what you did and I will post it on my blog. ( we would all like to see what you come up with.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Create a Critter Kitty

Is this not the cutest little kitty? The new Create a Critter cartridge has sooo many cute critters. I'm working on a book of critters for our new granddaughter, Izzy. She'll be here in July, due date is 27th, so I have plenty of time to get this together. LOL My thoughts are to make a flip book with all the different animals and somehow make them "feelie" for her. I know, I know she's not even born yet and already I want her to read LOL I just know my schedule and I know I have to get an early start on it. I scrapbook a monthly book for the other 6 grandchildren, plus their regular scrapbooks, teach .. well you get the idea I'm like all the rest of you out there who love to create. Have a great Friday, I'm going to be busy putting the final touches on the class tomorrow at SYAO. I made an extra 20 cards on a display board to share with the ladies. Maybe I'll see you there

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Well, I felt a bit guilty using the same card for my mom and mother-in-law, so I made this one. Check out those red "skittles"! My craft Sis gave those to me and I 'm loving them. Nothing new on this card, I simply took some scraps put them together and called it a card. The only technique is the top part of the card where I took alcohol inks and glossy paper and made a "look". Going to be busy tonight entering the contest over at you might want to check it out! Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stick and Stay and Stick Away

Hello everyone! Just got a message from Hallie Jo at that a shipment of Stick Away and Stick and Stay just came in. She's going to post it on her site today. It's VERY VERY hard to find so if you've been waiting for some I would suggest you hop over and get it today. It won't last I can guarantee it. If you put my name in the coupon slot she'll give you 10% off. HURRY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!!!!

It's Your Day/ Ginny Lee's Crocheted Flower

Decided to take a break from the Just Because cartridge and pull out the Cuttlebug embossing folders. This is the basket weave folder, a piece of plastic needlepoint canvas and one of those adorable crocheted flowers of Ginny Lee's. I thought it was such a waste to throw away all the plastic canvas scraps so I used it here for the flower stem. I have a growing pile of the plastic scraps. I've had to make several more dividers for my Cricut cartridges and then I got the light bulb idea to use the same idea in the plastic shoe box containers to store all my stickles and Distress reinkers. I'd thought I would buy those cute little holders out there for the stickles but when you have as many as I do... well the $ was had to digest. This way was much cheaper. Maybe I can get Steve to take a photo and I'll post it with the instructions. Well, have a great day!
Oh yeah my new cartridges did come yesterday and I watched a couple of Youtubes to see what people were doing with them and made two of the cards, I'll post them tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Get Whale Soon- Just Because

I'm having so much fun with this cartridge! The Just Because one that is. I even used my Cuttlebug and swirl folder to add some deminision to it. I didn't get my new cartridges yesterday like I thought I would. BUMMER! maybe today. I just sent two new videos to make sure you hop over and take a look, I had a good time making these and sharing some tips. HallieJo has been posting new merchandise almost daily you should check it out. She also let me know yesterday that the Cuttlebug folders that were announced back in January at CHA are still not ready to ship. She is hoping for MAY... can you believe those people at Provo Craft teasing us all this time? I know it will be worth it but I don't like waiting. In fact I've been waiting since October 09 for the Cricut cartridge Picturesque... Did any of you get in on the preorders for those? Hopefully you did because they are making it a part of bundle and won't be sold separately. Okay have a great day it's back to work today.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I received an email from Dane, owner of, he just told me he's going to use my creations at the Creating Keepsakes Craft Show, this weekend 16 & 17, in Mesa AZ. I'm truly a blessed woman. Cri-kits manufactures the gel pens we can use in our Cricuts and now they're announcing the "embosser". It's so cool... one end will work on vellum and the other end will work on thin metal. Can you believe that our Cricut will emboss! You can now pre-order them on their website. You're going to want to be among the first to get one of these I can promise!
I think they're going to post my creations on their website if you'd like to see them. The cards have been posted here along with a video on how to use the gel pens, but I didn't take a pic of the scrapbook page, so I can't share that with you here. Check it out won't you? Oh! and if there's a place to let them know where you heard about the Cri-kits gel pens.. tell them Peggy sent you!
Have a great day!!!

i"m pulling for you- Just Because

Isn't this too stinkin' cute?! Just another card for the Cricut Card Class display. The class is this Saturday at Stamp Your Art Out and it's FULL! ! Yippee! I'm expecting a package from CropStop today and in it.... my 4 new Cricut cartridges. Give a Hoot, Create a Critter, Nursery Rhymes and Robots. I just can't wait to see what's on them.
Cosi was awesome! We took 13 girls from our Girl Scout troop and had a blast. We also were able to visit the Titantic exhibit and it was out of this world!! If you ever get a chance to visit it is well worth the $
Off today and doing odds and ends it's Steve's birthday!!!! we celebrate our birthdays together and are planning something special next weekend.
Have a great day!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Oh! my Gosh you have got to got to got to check out They just announced a new addition for our Cricut. They have just announced an EMBOSSER for our Cricut. You replace the blade with this embosser, using the holder that the mini gel pens fit into. You'll be able to emboss vellum and thin metal, because the embosser has two different tips. I can't wait to get mine and go for it. You know how I feel about getting the most out of my tools and how I love my Cuttlebug and embossing, now I can emboss using ALL the different shapes and fonts using my Cricut cartridges. SHHHH! they've even more coming out soon... and I can't tell you about the others just yet but as soon as I get the go ahead you'll hear about it here first!!!!! Hurry now get over there and pre-order yours!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Little Wonder

I wanted to post this really quick I'm leaving for Cosi in the morning to spend the weekend with 250 Girls Scouts and won't be back until late Sunday. Hope you enjoy your weekend.
I used a SU stamp for the verse and the bike is from Stretch your Imagination Cricut cartridge. Oh yeah! I cuttlebugged the background with a Quickutz folder.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Just Peachy

Is this too stinkin' cute or what? This is one for the sample board. I used the Cuttlebug to make the peach look a bit real and then along the lower edge of the card for texture. I also used a MS border punch along the edge of the printed paper. I really like the Just Because cartridge.. but I think I already said that a couple of times. Have a great Friday!!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

If You Carrot at all- Just Because

Just Because Cricut cartridge... I'm working my way through this new cartridge. Joy did this one and I loved her take on it so I "lifted" it. Again, I'm putting together a sample board for the Cricut Card class at SYAO. The class is full.. Yippee !
I was just notified that my 3 new cartridges have been shipped. OH BOY!! more fun a comin'
I get asked a lot "how many cartridges do you have" answer !@#^%!@&^#%*&! LOL can't put that in print, Steve looks at my blog from time to time. Let's say I don't have them all....
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! My Craft SIS Connie V, has been published in the May, Cardmaker magazine. It's so exciting to actually know the author/artist in one of my craft magazines. Pick up one at your local craft store and check it out! WAY TO GO SIS!!!
Well, have a great day and if you're in Cincinnati stay dry!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I Care... Cri-Kits Gel Pen

Here is another card I did using the Cri-Kits gel pen. I used the Give a Hoot Cricut cartridge for the words " I Care" and the orange metallic gel pen, then colored it in using the Prismacolor pencils. I used the idea for this card from the front of the Paper Crafts "Go to Sketches" magazine. It's a good issue, with lots of ideas.. you might want to pick up on one. The scan isn't all that good, buttons always give me a hard time scanning. Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

CRI_KITS Gel Pens and Verses Rubber Stamps

I'm so excited and blessed!! The first video I did for, is up and running and they posted 3 of the cards I designed using the metallic gel pens they make. You really should hop over and take a look at them. There are two other videos that are really cool on there too. The gel pens come in 4 different sets of 10 each a different color family, of course I need them all! and they work GREAT in the Cricut machine, along with the carrier they designed with a magnet in the top of it and each pen that holds them in place for the perfect drawing.
I have a card on the design table ready to post using them along with the new Just Because Cricut cartridge. Wait till' you see it. The stamps I used on the cards at Cri-Kits are from Verses Rubber Stamps and you can call 513-793-4558 to order them or go to their website, they have a really great selections of stamps to choose from. Okay I've tooted my own horn long enough LOL I'm just so tickled to be able to share ideas and new products with all of you! Have a great day!!

Dog Gone Good

Well, here's another one. I'm really having fun with this cartridge. And I just remembered that if you buy this and the You're a Hoot cartridge you will get double reward points if you do it before I think it was May 1st. You can check and get all the details. I downloaded my rewards and you really do get double points.
The only thing I'm not real crazy about is the backgrounds are "big". I like a little background showing, it cuts about double the other background functions on other cartridges. BUT I'm still loving all the cute cards you can make with it. Have a great day. Tomorrow I hope to make one using the You're a Hoot cartridge.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Something to Crow About-Just Because

I did another one! I'm going to send this one to my son and daughter-in-law as a congrats on their new home they just had built and moved in this past week. Not your typical House Welcoming card but for me it just fits. I used the Just Because Cartridge and I'm really enjoying making these cards. I have to complete about 12 for my upcoming class to make an idea board for the ladies. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to share ideas and love to see what others do. Hope you're having a great day!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Cute as a Bug ... Just Because

I just received my JUST BECAUSE Cricut cartridge and I'm loving it. I watched several YouTubes to get the "tricks" down and now I'm on a roll. This is the first one I did. It's cute right? I'm planning to make several to display on a poster for an upcoming card class. I'll share them on here for you too. I got my cartridge at, they are now in and shipping you might want to check them out and remember to put "Peggy" in the coupon slot to get an additional 10% off. Have a blessed Easter!
Don't forget to leave a comment to get entered in for the Blogcandy when we reach 20,000 hits.
OH! MY GOODNESS!!!! The site if finally set up right Praise the Lord...... and on Easter no less...

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Just wanted to share a quick card with you this morning. I'm off to Hobby Lobby for a Kids Klub class. We are making the cutest Spring jar, I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow. This card is a design I did for a Cuttlebug class last fall. I used the spots and dots folder and then the Big Mouth Cropadile to punch the holes. Just another way to use your embossing folders. I love my embossing folders and Cuttlebug. Oh! I can't wait for the new quilling kits from Provo Craft you use the Cuttlebug and make the coolest flowers. Hallie Jo has them for Pre Order at, you might want to hop over there and check them out. Well, gotta run have a great day!

Friday, April 02, 2010

This is the card I did using the Spellbinders Impressibilities and Distress Inks. There's a video at for you to see how I did it. Hop over there and check it out. Have a blessed day and remember today is GOOD FRIDAY

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Hey there I'm so excited my blog is about to hit another milestone. 20,000 hits!!! I'm going to have some goodies to give away to one lucky person who makes a comment this weekend. That's right all you have to do is leave a comment and you could win some cool stuff. I'll post a sneak peek of some of the goodies Friday night. It's Good Friday you know!! Hurry go make a comment and enter for a chance to win. THANKS to all of you for following this blog it's been a very exciting time and I'm looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming months. There are several things in the works, including a new DVD for sale. shh!!! it's still at the editors.