Monday, May 31, 2010

Cri-kits Card and Fluff

Hope you all are having a fun Memorial Day. I wanted to share a quick card with you. This card was made using the Cricut and the Cri-kits gel pens to draw the butterfly and the word "FLY'. I used MS fluff stuff to accent the butterfly and a Cuttlebug border embossing folder for the edge and the Swiss Dots folder for the teal circle. I love my Cuttlebug and the gel pens. Hope you enjoy your day and make sure to check out for the new video on the border punch.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Cricut Cartridges Retiring

I just read on the Cricut Message Board that PC is retiring two more cartridges. The Christmas Cheer and All mixed up. So, if these are two you thought you wanted hurry and get them before they are gone for good.

Bee Happy

Hi everyone! I was messing around with the "stash" box again and threw together this little card. I bet you have wondered "what in the world does she do with all those cards?". Well, I've been donating most of them to the Crohn's Group here in Cincinnati. My friend's son has this disease, and she is very active in the foundation and in the fund raiser they put on once a year. The group has door prizes and other give-aways and I thought why not donate my cards to a wonderful cause. If you would be interested in doing something like that send me an email and I'll give you her information . Have a great day and please remember all those who fought for our freedom!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fiskars Border punch

Good Morning everyone! I wanted to say thanks again for all of you that helped me win the contest! Thanks!
Here's a close up of the card I featured in the video, using the Fiskars Threading Water border punch. It's a cool technique I learned from a Fiskarteer. Hop over and watch to see how you can go around the border with one punch.
I'm off to a flea market to look for some wonder goodies to do some of my altered art. Haven't played in that part of the studio for awhile, it's time to create "off the wall"
Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 28, 2010


I'm one happy camper that is for sure! I won the Gypsy and the $50 shopping spree over at!

The "Tweet" box won the first place prize.. A GYPSY!!!!

I used the Create a Critter cartridge to make the bird and the "tweet" tag.

The third place entry was this blue jean/sticky back canvas necklace or belt. I used the gel pens to draw the flowers on the Claudine Hellmuth's sticky back canvas and then painted them with her Studio paints. I just love it when you can use so many elements.

So, I also get to spend $50 at Cri-Kits. I have a list of goodies I want now I have to narrow it down to $50 LOL.

I want to send out the biggest THANK YOU I can possibly send to ALL of you that took the time to vote for my projects! It really means a lot to know so many of you support my "art hobby". thank you thank you.

Have a great Memorial Weekend! and thanks again!!! Peggy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mixed Media Bird Card

I'm feeling like a double post today... I tried this techique that Tim Holtz did on his blog probably over a year ago. I didn't have the same stamps he used except for these birds, I just love those birds. I mixed several Distress Ink colors, stamped the tree then used the paint daubers to stamp the birds.I don't' know who made the tree, it was a unmounted stamp I bought at a sale. I wish I had left off the little music paper, but the glue dried really quick. Oh well, it's art. Just something a little different from the Cricut and Cuttlebug cards I do. Hope you enjoy your day!

Alcohol Inks Tim Holtz stamps

I haven't messed with my alcohol inks for a while so I pulled them out squirted them on glossy paper ad used the heat tool to push them around a little. Once dry I stamped it with stazon ink and Tim Holtz stamp. It's fun to play with stuff and have no real plan. I did a card like this once before and thought why not just do it again. I really do need to get those inks out more often and see if I can come up with something new to use them for.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Owl Card

Isn't this owl too stinkin' cute? He is from CHF and comes in a set that you can give him different hats and several verses. I did this a long time back as well trying to mix and match papers to see what I could come up with. I make up these cards and use them for gift packs and sell them at local craft shows. Not a bad way to get my monies worth out of scraps Right?! Tonight I'll be at my local stamp store doing a demo showing how to "paint emboss" using several different embossing powders. It's a technique that takes some practice if you want to get it to a perfect science and color in small areas. I like the Picasso look my self. It reminds me of the Verre et pichet. I'll share my samples tomorrow. You can also look at Stampendous and watch a video on there. She sure makes it look easy. Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Years Card

I know it's no ways near the New Year! Again another card in the pile. How easy is this stamped different colors of circle and stamp the words and clock inside in black. The stamps are old SU but of course you could use anything. Wait until you see the all new stamps Cropstop has from Heartfelt. They are companion stamps to go along with your Nestabilities! Take a look at I'll have a video for you in a week or so, I can hardly wait to get my hands on them!
Have a great Year!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Birds in a tree

I did this one a very long time ago. I think I saw this sketch at HeroArts, but not really sure. Can you tell I'm cleaning and organizing the studio again? coming across all these cards and decided I'd share. I will announce who won the Cri-kits contest on Wednesday. If you haven't voted yet they extended the voting until the 25th If you do go and vote #7 would be a good choice. LOL have a great day wait till' you see what I'm doing tomorrow. have a great day!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Great Price Reduction!!!

Hi Everyone! Just received an email from Dane at, and here's the great news. He and his team were not satisfied with the cost of the new EMBOSSER coming in very soon. So, they worked really hard with their manufactures and made an adjustment to the cost NOT THE EMBOSSER for US!!!! Is that too awesome or what? Now, if you already ordered I know they will adjust the price and if you were waiting because you thought it was too much ... well it's not now so you may just want to pre order now and be one of the first in a group to get one. I know I've got to get one and my plan is to use it not only for myself but in the Cricut University classes. Okay enough said... if you like a deal this ones for you! Have a great day!!

* Oh I forgot to mention he also offer FREE SHIPPING deals!!!!!!! I love free shipping deals..

girly card

Yeap! another "stash" card. It's not that uneven!! bad scan.. LOL I stamped this image so long ago I can't remember who made it. If anyone can remember let me know so I can post it. I looked for 30 minutes going through tons of "people" stamps and couldn't find it. So sorry. The paper is just a scrap from the pile. Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

H20's and Cuttlebug

I was messing around with my watercolors and decided to do a technique I had seen somewhere several years ago. You would paint your watercolors directly onto the stamp and quickly stamp it on the paper. I used the Peerless Water Colors, you could probably use any water colors. I purchased these at Stamp Your Art Out, here in Cincinnati (513-793-4558) and if you can't find them in your area they do ship.
Next I heat set it a little, stamped the verse on there which is from mounted it on contrasting cardstock. Then I used the Birds in Flight, Cuttlebug embossing folder on the front of my card based. Attached the verse, added a touch of ribbon and called it a "card".
There is another technique using your ink pads directly on the stamp and spritzing it a little with water. Tim Holtz does this a lot using his Distress Inks and that is really cool too. He has a video out ( been out for quite some time) that shows a lot of techniques. I've watched it many times and always get inspired to try another technique, even though I've done it in the past. Videos are my quick way to get inspired.
Have a great weekend! Hopefully we'll hear the winners at tomorrow! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Friday, May 21, 2010

You Won't Want to Miss This!

I just received and email from telling me that the new Cricut Embossers/Mat Bundles are ready for Pre-Order and that if you order now you will save $7. And better yet!! they are set to arrive in just 2 weeks!! I'm so excited about getting this and I can hardly wait! Of course, I have one on it's way and as soon as it comes I'll make a video. But don't wait for me hurry ! go order yours today!
Okay off to the studio to start sketching some ideas for the new Embosser! Have a great weekend!

Good Friends and Priceless

This is a card I did for a card class I did in my home about a year ago. The stamps are My Favorite Things except for the flower stamp on the edge and that is a Penny Black. It was a fun and easy card. Hope you enjoyed seeing it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Retiring Cricut Cartridges

Hi everyone! I've been reading the message board and thought I'd share this information. Some of it may be old news for some but I always like to share things when I find them.
Provo Craft as retired the following cartridges: Stamped, Tags, bags,boxes, and more, Paper Pups and Printing Press. There are some on-line stores that are still offering them so, if you think you would like to have them I would suggest you look hard and get it ASAP. Okay enough enabling for today LOL Have a great day enjoy the sunshine!

Nuts about You

I've got to tell you ... I'm in love with this Create a Critter Cricut cartridge. I've just about made every little critter on there. I love the way they did this cartridge, they did each layer right in order. In other words layer one is the base, layer two is the highlighted area and the little face pieces are the third layer. And the eyes and noses are cut out so you really don't have to color them in or add googlies eyes. Anyway they all are TOO STINKIN' CUTE.
Just a FYI the Cards Cricut Style class is already FULL!! and I haven't even posted it at Hobby Lobby. YIPPEE! So, if enough people sign up on the waiting list I'll do a second one the same day following the first class. You are going to love the cards. I used the Create a Critter (of course), Wild Cards and Paper Dolls.
I've got a really cool class idea coming making a cupcake.... And the Gypsy class handbook
has gone to print so it'll be ready to go in July! Have a great Thursday

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thanks so much Doggie

Just thought I'd share this "stash" card. I embossed this card at my friend's house for another card, but didn't like it so I brought it home and threw it in the stash. I cut the pup from the Create a Critter Cricut cartridge. I believe the embossing folder is a Sizzix and I ran it through the Cuttlebug.

Oh yeah! don't forget to drop by Cri-kits and place your vote. Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Time to VOTE!!!!!!

Hi I promise this is the last time I'll ask... is now ready to take your votes. Please vote before the 22nd I'll let you know when I hear something. Thanks again!!!!

Voting Tuesday Night the 18th

I know you are probably tired of me mentioning this.. so sorry! But the voting begins May 18th, Tuesday night. If you have time I really would appreciate your vote.
There must have been some issues with the whole submission process. But I'm still excited about the contest, I would love to be on the DT for Cri-kits. Okay okay I know "enough already" thanks for being so patient!

Cri-kits Card and Fluff

Well here is another Cri-kits gel pen card. I used my Cricut to cut and draw the lines in this butterfly, then used Martha Stewart's fluff and puff to fill in the drawn areas. I also used my Cuttlebug border embossing folder and the Swiss Dots folder on the circle. The circle was cut using the Nestabilities circle die. I also used the gel pens to write the word "FLY". I'm going to send this to to add to their gallery.
Have a great day.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Hi Everyone! I know I've been asking you to vote for me at and many have tried, including my hubby LOL, but haven't been able to find the place to vote. So, being the persistent person I am... I emailed and asked what we needed to do to vote. I received and immediate response and apology from Dane (owner), they were unable to launch the voting section BUT he said it would be available TONIGHT !!! So, if you all would be so very kind as to try again tonight and tomorrow to place your vote (hopefully for me LOL) I would really appreciate it! The voting rules and steps are on the sight and remember only ONE PER PERSON! and goes until the 22nd.
Now, of course I would love love love to win... but I also love to share new products when I find them and these gel pens are wonderful and open so many possibilities when using your Cricut. I'm really anxious to get the "EMBOSSER".
Okay, now set you clocks for tonight ( not sure what time exactly LOL) and go VOTE!!! and get some of those gel pens for yourself.
have a great day!

Tree Girl

I was messing around with the nestabilities and then didn't want to waste the green piece. I just got this funny little stamp at Archivers and had to use it. I colored with Copics, not happy with how it turned out but there you are one of those ideas that just didn't turn out they way you wanted. I'll stick it in a box and maybe use it sometime. Have a great week! I'll be busy finishing up on my Gypsy Handbook for the Gypsy class. Lots of info but an easy way to understand. I have my June class all designed and ready for assembly, so that should keep Steve and I busy. He helps me put the pieces in baggies. He promised to proof my instructions this time. I always seem to leave something off. My brain knows but the fingers don't cooperate LOL See ya!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lost-Coast Stamps

I met Linda, owner and designer of , last month at the Adventures of Stamping in Akron Ohio. She gave me several of her awesome stamps to work with and I made this video to show you just a few. Take a few minutes' watch this video to see just a few things you can do with her stamps. Then hop over to her site and take a look at all the different ones she offers and get yourself some! Make sure to tell her Peggy sent you! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Gift Box Using Cri-kits Gel Pens and Create a Critter

This is another project I did for It is just a simple gable box and printed paper. I used the Cricut cartridge: Create a Critter for the Bird and "tweet", and of course the Gel pens from Cri-kits. Please hop over there between today and the 22nd and vote for me. I really would appreciate it! Have a blessed Sunday.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sticky Back Canvas and Studio Paint Card

There's a new video up on You-tube. I show 3 different techniques using sticky back canvas and Studio paints. This is the one where I used rub-ons on the canvas and then painted with the paint. Oh yeah! I also ran it through the Cuttlebug embossing folder. The sentiment is from Papertrey Mega Message set. Hope you enjoy the video!


Still going through lots of stash and made this card. I used my Accucut machine and die for the card base. Used Nestabilities die for the sentiment. The stamp is a SU.
I've been working on the cards for the Cricut Card class next month. They are really looking good. Have a great weekend.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Missing Emboss Owl Card

Here's a sample of the technique I call the "missing embossing". I just loved this owl stamp. I'm not usually to crazy about owls but there have been several introduced over the past year that I really like.
This is a technique that I'll share in the upcoming Cuttlebug Card class. (date and time TBA)
Have a great Friday!
I have two openings in the Cricut University class, this Saturday afternoon (2:30-5:30) at Hobby Lobby EastGate. If you would like to come just call 513-617-3592 for details and to get registered.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Easter Card

I know Easter was a long time ago... or could it too early for an Easter card? LOL ... Anyway this is the most adorable Easter card ever. My dear friend Pam sent this and I told her I would post it but filed it and forgot. Bummer... Anyway here it is and it was worth the wait don't you think?
The bunny is 3-D which really sets it off. Thanks Pam!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Cricut Cartridges!!

They are really trying to break my piggy bank! LOL Well, I don't have pics of the cartridges, but the rumor has it there are two more coming... one I've got to have ..drum roll please!!!!

TOY STORY by Disney/Pixar... oh my grandson's are going to love this one like they do the Cars. Then the other one is called 3 Birds on a parade. I think this is lots of cute little birds. I have to wait and see the pic. I'll let you know as soon as I can find out more of the details. Start saving those pennies we're going to need them...

Butterfly Thanks

Well it's "hump day". I've finally got the studio back in shape. My granddaughters used one of the studios for a bedroom for 3 months while my son and daughter-in-law were having a home built. Oh brother! I have a lot of stuff!! LOL I've re-organized a few things and have 21 bags of embellishments I'm going to sell at a friends yard sale for 5o cents a bag. That took care of 2 storage boxes.
Here's a card I pulled out some "stash" and threw together. I used the Cuttlebug butterfly die and embossing. Another example about how your stash/trash can make a card. Have a great day. Please mark you calendar on May 15th to go to and vote for me!
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spots and Dots Thanks

Haven't shared a Cuttlebug embossed card for a day or so LOL. Here's a cute idea where you use the same folder and some scraps of different colors card stock. Then I went through some old SU stamps for the "thank you". I decided to pull out all the sentiments and put in one box so they're easier to get to. I have a picture of what each set includes, so if I ever decide to sell them I can make sure all pieces are there. Oh! can't wait to show you what Steve did for me for my birthday and Mother's Day. New cabinets in my studio!
Make sure to watch for my video Thursday at CropStop, I'll be featuring Claudine Hellmuth's Studio paints. Have a great day!

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Cricut Cartridges coming out in June

RUff RUff

I was cleaning out some of my stash and found this partically finished card. I pulled out the Create a Critter cartridge, just love this cartridge, made this cute little puppy and here you go a finished card. I plan to spend all day re-organizing my studio. Steve got me 2 wall units for Mother's Day and even hung them up right away, so now it's clean and re-do the whole room. I plan to get rid of a lot of stuff! Honest! LOL
Have a great Monday!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Cri-Kit Gel Pens Meets Sticky Back Canvas

Oh my goodness! I am loving my Crikit pens, sticky back canvas and Studio Paints. Hallie Jo from sent me some of the Studio Paints by Claudine Hellmuth to try and WOW!!!!!! I think I'm going to have to donate all my other acyrlic paints to the Girl Scouts and replace them with hers. There are only 15 colors, but she gives you a chart to mix up to 51 different colors. Want a deal! Anyway, I wanted to see if my Crikit pens would draw on the sticky back canvas and YES YES YES!! they do and really well. I painted the flowers with the Studio paints and made this cute little necklace. I'm sending it in as part of my submissions for the Crikits contest. Please remember to go there May 15th-22 I'll have to check the cut off date, to vote for my projects (only one vote per person please otherwise it will be thrown out). If I'm chosen I'll have a chance to be on their DT. Okay off to create more!! Have a great day!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Thank You

My friend called this morning and need 4 thank you right away.... So, here is one I threw together. They are for the sixth grade teachers at New Richmond School. I'll post the others later on this weekend. I have a Kids Klub class this morning and a Cricut 101 this afternoon. I really enjoy teaching these classes! I will cut back a bit this summer, it's a busy time for everyone. I'm anxious to get the new Cuttlebug folders that go along with the Cricut Cartridges.... looks like a class in the making. Have a great Saturday.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Birthday WIsh

WOW!!! I'm a lucky girl! check out this birthday card I received yesterday from one of my Cropstop friends, Celticrafter. THANKS!!! This is such an awesome card! Oh yeah! and she packed some goodies in it. I just love getting surprises in the mail. Hope you have a great Friday, I get to play in the studio all day! I told you I'm a lucky girl!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Can you Believe this?

Provocraft is going to release 5 sets of Cuttlebug folders that go together with Preserves, Robotz, Create a Critter, Heritage, Sentimentals and Once Upon a Princess. I can't believe that someone told them I'd hooked on Cuttlebug cartridges! Now I have to save my pennies and get these. Check out and take a look at them they are way too cool!!!

Sticky Back Canvas and Studio Paint Card

Hi everyone! busy in the studio today.. watching a lot of videos on different ways to use the Claudine Hellmuth Sticky back canvas and her AWESOME! paints. I played around last night with stamping on the canvas with Momento ink, heat set it then "water-colored" the background with the Studio paints. After it dried a bit I colored in the flowers and accented them with Stickles. This morning I sewed it to the cardstock and used the cuttlebug to do a rick rack emboss on the top and bottom. The canvas is a bit uneven but I thought that just make it look more like fabric sewn on a card and not just cardstock. Hey that sounded really "artsy" didn't it. Good explanation for I torn it uneven. LOL I'll have a video ready next week at showing different ways to use these really awesome products. Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

On my way to Novi MI

Well, not me physically..LOL! I just received a message from Dane at that he's taking my projects to the Mega Meet in Novi MI this week. I'm so excited! I called my granddaughter, Annie, who is featured in the layout and she was so excited and asked, " now where am I going?" She wanted to tell her sister and brothers. LOL Okay just wanted to share my excitement have a great day!

New Cuttlebug Folders with Matching Cricut Cartridges

I just found out that Provo Craft is going to release Cuttlebug folders that will go along with our Cricut Cartridges. When you ask? At the summer CHA in Chicago. Here's one and I'll post the other ones as soon as I can.

Hana' Ami Flower

Just wanted to share a quick card I put together last tonight. I just completed the video for showing how to use the Hana'Ami flower loom and decided to make this card to share. If you get a chance hop over and watch and check out the scrapbook page I did using the flowers. It's so easy! I used raffia for this little flower, but you can use ribbon, yarn or fabric and there are 6 different flower looms in this kit. Pretty good deal. The stamp I used is from Have a great day! Tomorrow I plan to show what I've been making using the Lost Coast Designs stamps.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

CRI_KITS Gel Pens Big Contest

Hi Everyone! Have you tried the Cri-kits Gel Pens yet? If not you just might want to check them out. I'm loving them!!! I'm busy making several projects to enter in their contest, in hopes of winning, but more than that being one of the ones picked to be on their Design Team. I'll let you know when the voting begins and maybe you can vote for me. But more important if you have a Cricut machine, you really should give these a try. Most of you know how I feel about my Cricut and how I believe we should get ALL we can get from our machine. This is a great way to increase the possibilities. And keep an eye out there is more to come from Cri-kits... an EMBOSSER! Yes really... you will be able to emboss with the Cricut. I can't wait for mine. Have a great day!!!
You can get your Cri-kits from or .

ATC Cards

Going through my #2 studio I came across my rack of ATC cards. I use to do lots of swaps and probably have about 500 or more cards in albums. I decided to pull some and share with you. You may ask "what on earth do you do with these?" Well, I use them for inspiration and card ideas. I'll pull one of these tonight and make a card using the layout of this card, just so you can see how I get my ideas. Have a great day! Make sure to check out the video this week at , I'm showing different ways to use Claudine Hellmuth's AWESOME paints, and sticky back canvas.

** I was asked for the Cricut Storage instructions and video. You will find those on Dec 15 2009 and Feb 16 2010. Hope this helps!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Sticky back canvas

Hello to a new week! I have soooo many projects to do this week I'm not quite sure where to start. First, I wanted to share a project I did using Claudine Hellmuth's sticky back canvas. I'll be doing a video tomorrow night using her canvas and AWESOME paints. I used her canvas for the flower and colored it with Studio paint. I have several other projects you'll see on the video. For now this is a quick card I wanted to share. Have a great week.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Bow Easy Video

Hi everyone! Here is a video I did for Cropstop, but they already had one showing how to use this awesome little tool. The bow easy is such a cool tool, wish I had thought of this one. Hope you enjoy this one and if you decide you NEED one go to and get yourself one before they are ll gone.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Paint Emboss

This is a new techique I'm trying, called Paint Emboss. This is about the fifth time I tried. It's not as easy as I thought it was going to be. It is more of an art mixing the embossing powders. I'll do a video on it as soon as I get it down really good. In the meantime, Have a great weekend.