Friday, October 22, 2010

Here are the other three!!

I found these this morning... I don't have a date as to when they'll be released, but if you have to have them it gives you time to start saving. LOL I know for sure I'll have to have the Car Decals .. how stinkin' cute. I don't know if Steve will let me put decals on the cars but we'll see... I'll have to look hard at these other two not sure....Okay off to the studio I'm going to try and get classes designed for 2011!!! I know I know it just October... I have all the classes for this year finished, added a couple in November and December at SYAO. I'm going to do a Cricut 101 and Gypsy 101. But starting 2011 I'll be adding lots of new one at both Hobby Lobby East Gate and Stamp Your Art Out. Make sure to keep an eye on the class schedule! Have a great day.
** I'll be sure to show you all the goodies I get on our big SHOP TIL' YOU DROP DAY Saturday. There are going to be 10 of us going to Cleveland and back to Cincinnati all in one day! OH MY!! LOOK OUT! Saturday...

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